November 2022 Newsletter

During 2022 we have been privileged to send our quilts to new locations in Uganda and Romania, and also to Ukraine and Poland.

Written BY

Dot Poulsom

Following a career in Education, focusing on International Students, Dot founded Dorcas Quilts.

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August 7, 2023

Dorcas Quilts Newsletter November 2022

During 2022 we have been privileged to send our quilts to new locations in Uganda and Romania, and also to Ukraine and Poland.


This new charity is seeking to empower single mothers in Wobulenzi in Uganda.Nimlet, our contact, lives in Chichester and attends a local church here with her husband Gary. Nimlet was brought up by her single mum so she knows from her own experience the difficulties single mums face in this very poor area of Uganda.

You can find out more on their website. They are hoping to set up a centre for these ladies to support them and to teach them about the bible.

So far we have sent around 50 quilts with Nimlet in April and then in July. We hope to send more in January when they may return again to Wobulenzi.


Fundatia Humanitas Pro Deo is a centre for children who are living in difficult family circumstances. As our contact is from Romania and goes home fairly often this may well be a regular outlet for our quilts.


A mum and her two small children have recently come to live with their father here in Chichester. When they arrived the two girls were given a quilt each. Since then the mum has started to come to one of the groups and is making quilts for Dorcas. This week she has gone out to Poland to visit family and friends who have also left Ukraine because of the war. She has taken some quilts with her as well as some knitted jumpers for the children.

We have also donated one of our large knitted blankets to a local church who is sending aid to Ukraine.

Next year 2023

Some of you may remember that before the pandemic we sent quilts with a group of sixth formers from a local school to Tanzania. In July 2023 they are hoping to go again. There are about 30 students in the group and each one will be able to take two quilts each so that’s a little target to work towards!

Thank you all again for all your hard work and dedication in helping to bring happiness to a lot of children all around the world.

Thank you


Further Reading
November 2021 Newsletter
It has been a long time since our last newsletter. Such a lot has happened in all of our lives since then. Find out about all that we have been up to recently.
December 10, 2021
January 2021 Newsletter
After the ‘bumper’ year of 2019 when we were able to send over 200 quilts I was hoping for another year of the same! However when Covid19 began to spread and travel became restricted I was not expecting to be sending any quilts abroad. Miraculously and I believe with God’s help 2020 hasn’t been such a bad year for us.
November 11, 2021