Dorcas Quilts

Dorcas, also known as Tabitha, was known for her good works and acts of charity. She was a generous person who, as an early follower of Jesus Christ, did a lot of sewing, making garments for others and giving them to the poor and needy. Dorcas therefore is our example and we seek to do the same work as she did so many years ago. Acts 9 v 36-42

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Showing God's love and care to vulnerable children

Dorcas Quilts launched in 2015 with the belief that making and giving a quilt to vulnerable children living in difficult circumstances shows God’s love to those children and lets them know that someone cares for them.

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read all about the latest work of Dorcas Quilts
November 2022 Newsletter
During 2022 we have been privileged to send our quilts to new locations in Uganda and Romania, and also to Ukraine and Poland.
November 4, 2022
November 2021 Newsletter
It has been a long time since our last newsletter. Such a lot has happened in all of our lives since then. Find out about all that we have been up to recently.
November 1, 2021
January 2021 Newsletter
After the ‘bumper’ year of 2019 when we were able to send over 200 quilts I was hoping for another year of the same! However when Covid19 began to spread and travel became restricted I was not expecting to be sending any quilts abroad. Miraculously and I believe with God’s help 2020 hasn’t been such a bad year for us.
January 31, 2021
"Thank you for all your efforts and I can assure you that the quilts will brighten up the lives of the children who see them and encourage the staff by knowing that there is a group of ladies in Chichester who are thinking of them!"
Graham Perolls CMG OBE - Founder, Hospices of Hope